Can Dogs Eat Plantain? (17 Things To Know and Avoid )

Josh Cassiel

If you’re eating cooked Plantains right now or making fried Plantains, you’re probably wondering if your furry family member can eat too.

As you’re frying the Plantains, your precious pups are eyeing this starchy food and drooling over its crispy caramelized edges. But can dogs eat Plantains, and are Plantains good for dogs too? Let’s find out!

Every dog owner has moments like this: you open the fridge door, a pack of chips, a can of food (any kind!), or a cupboard where you keep your favorite snacks.

Your doggy friend, who until that very moment was deep in sleep and dreaming peacefully, is suddenly awake and standing two feet away with a pleading expression and a string of drool making its way slowly to the floor.

Can My Dog Eat Plantain?

Dogs can eat plantains as long as they’re boiled or baked, then chopped into small pieces to make them digestible. However, you shouldn’t feed your dog raw plantains because they contain choking hazards and excess fiber and starch for them to digest, which can lead to a stomach upset.

Plantains contain nutrients like Carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, fiber, potassium, and magnesium that support healthy digestion in your dog and provide other health benefits to your dog.

Always check with your veterinarian before feeding plantain to your dog to ensure you’re not adding too many carbohydrates to their diet and giving them the adequate amount of nutrients for their age.

Difference Between Plantain and Banana?

Fresh ripe bananas in a bowl on a black and gray background with copy space

Plantain and Banana are fruits that are genetically similar and belong to the same family of plants.

They have different flavors and tastes even though they look the same. Bananas are eaten raw while plantains are mostly cooked, although they can be eaten raw.

Plantains and Bananas have their origins in Southeast Asia but they are currently grown all over the world in Africa, Indonesia, India, and South America.

Plantains contain more starch than bananas. They have thicker skin than bananas. They are also larger, and tougher than Bananas. 

Plantains are not very sweet when green, unlike bananas. They become sweet when they’re yellow and ripe and sweeter when they’re baked, boiled, or fried.

Plantains and bananas both contain the same nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and antioxidant compounds that are beneficial to the overall health of your dog.

The table below contains the nutritional information for 100 grams (1/2 cup) of plantains and bananas.

Carbs23 grams32 grams
Fiber3 grams2 grams
Potassium358 mg487 mg
Magnesium27 mg36 mg
Vitamin C9 mg18 mg

The major difference between a plantain and a banana is that the carbs in plantains come from starch, while the carbs in bananas come from sugars.

Nutritional Value of Plantain

Homemade fried plantains on a pink plate over white wooden background, top view. Flat lay, overhead, from above. Close-up.

Plantains are a good source of complex carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and other essential minerals easily digestible for your dog.

The table below contains the basic nutritional facts for one cup of baked yellow plantains (139 grams), as given by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Nutrition will vary depending on the cooking style.

Fat0.22 g
Protein2 g
Carbohydrates58 g
Fiber3 g
Potassium663 mg
Vitamin C23 mg
Vitamin A63 ug
Vitamin B-60.29 mg
Magnesium57 mg


Plantains are a good source of carbohydrates for your dog. The carbohydrates in plantains are converted into simple sugars (glucose) that are readily absorbed by your dog’s digestive system. The glucose in the body provides energy to your dog that can be used to carry out their daily activities.

However, too many carbohydrates in your dog’s diet can cause fatty deposits in your body when the excess glucose is stored as glycogen, which will eventually cause obesity.


The protein in plantains helps your dog’s body function optimally. The essential amino acids your dog gets from protein help in building and repairing muscles and other body tissues.

Plantains contain protein, which promotes the formation of new skin cells and hair growth, among other benefits. It also enables the creation of body chemicals like hormones and enzymes that are needed for optimum function. It also provides energy to your dog and strengthens his immune system.


Plantain fat provides energy to your dog and also aids in fat formation. Feeding your dog plantains will give them the capacity to burn fatty acids and a greater capacity to perform at a high level.

Plantain fats strengthen the cells of your dog and support a healthy nervous system, brain, liver, blood, skin, and hormone function. Fat also protects the vital organs of your dog from trauma and helps regulate the body temperature.

Maduro fried plantains with cream and beans


The fibers in plantains slow down the digestion process in your dog and prevent its blood sugar level from spiking. Fiber also helps your dog feel satisfied without consuming more of it. This process will prevent your dog from overeating, which can lead to obesity.

Plantain fiber promotes your dog’s digestive health by keeping its stool firm. It also serves as an energy source for your dog’s cells by inhibiting harmful bacteria and promoting beneficial bacteria.


The magnesium in plantains enables your dog’s liver to work optimally to keep toxins out of his body. Magnesium also helps regulate the calcium, vitamin D, zinc, and other nutrients in your pet’s body.

Magnesium in your dog’s diet protects his heart by promoting normal cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It also helps his heart stay healthy.


The potassium in plantains boosts the cognitive function of your dog. Potassium strengthens the neural paths from the brain to the rest of the body.

The potassium in plantains helps your dog digest and absorb nutrients faster. It enhances the growth of muscle cells, which contributes to stronger muscles. It also teams up with phosphorus and calcium to promote healthy bones and teeth in your dog.

What Types of Plantain Can Dogs Eat?

Pet owners can choose from a variety of plants on the market. It’s therefore advisable to know which ones are safe for your dog to eat before you make your purchase.

Can Dogs Eat Raw Plantains?

unripe green plantain

Do not feed your dog raw plantains. Raw plantains don’t taste very good, and your dog will have difficulty digesting raw plantains due to their tough texture.

Raw plantains contain too much starch and fiber for your dog’s stomach to digest easily. Your dog might choke when eating raw plantains and may develop a stomach upset after eating them.

Always cook your plantain before feeding them to your dog for easy digestion and a sweet taste.

Can Dogs Eat Green Plantains?

Yes, unripe or green plantains are safe for dogs to eat. You can boil or steam them so your pooch can feast on them with ease. Do not forget to feed cooked green plantains to your dog in moderation.

It’s safe to feed your dog green or unripe plantains. Although unripe plantains aren’t as sweet as ripe plantains, You can still cook them before you feed them to your dog,

However, you shouldn’t overfeed green plantains to your dog to prevent health complications.

Can Dogs Eat Yellow Plantains?

Top view of yellow ripe plantain bunch

It’s safe to feed your dog yellow or ripe plantains. Plantains turn yellow when they become ripe, like bananas, and they also taste better than green plantains.

You should always cook yellow plantains before feeding them to your dog to make them taste better and reduce their starch and fiber content.

Yellow plantains contain high levels of sugar compared to green plantains. Therefore, it’s advisable to avoid overfeeding your dog to prevent diabetes and obesity.

Can Dogs Eat Plantain Peel?

You should not feed your dog plantain peel. Plantain peels contain too much fiber content for your dog’s system to digest properly. Feeding banana peels to your dog can cause stomach upset.

Therefore, always peel off the skin of the plantains before giving them to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Sweet Plantain?

It’s not advisable to feed sweet plantains to your dog. The content in sweet plantains is not healthy for your dog and can lead to health complications like diabetes, obesity, and heart problems.

Can Dogs Eat Plantain Chips

Healthy Homemade Plantain Chips with Sea Salt

Plantain chips are not generally advisable to feed your dog. The regular plantain chip contains a high amount of fat because the preparation involves frying them in oil.

However, you can feed your dog plantain chips if you prepare them personally and regulate the quantity of oil and salt used in preparing them.

Can Dogs Eat Boiled Plantains

You can feed your dog boiled plantains. Boiled plantains are the best and safest option out there. Boiling plantains breaks down the fiber content and makes them easily digestible for your dog.

However, you should use a moderate amount of salt and avoid harmful herbs and spices.

Can Dogs Eat Fried Plantains

Fried plantains in a pan. Raw plantains boiled in oil.

Fried plantains are not generally advisable to feed your dog. Fried plantains contain a high amount of unhealthy fat that could lead to heart disease, obesity, stomach upset, or pancreatitis.

You can, however, occasionally feed your dog fried plantains. But it’s always better to boil the plantain before feeding it to your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Plantain Lily

Hostas are often referred to as plantain lilies. The plant that produces bananas is not the same as this one. It has lush, green leaves that are perennial. Do not allow your dog to consume any of the leaves. It is poisonous to dogs. Please call your veterinarian if you suspect that your dog ate plantain lily leaves.

Can Dogs Eat Plantain Leaves

Another plant with the plantain name is the “Broadleaf Plantain.” It is another perennial plant, and it doesn’t bear fruit. There are lots of recipes out there for us humans that claim this weed can help with indigestion or even help heal wounds.

Can Dogs Eat Plantain Weed?

Plantain weed (Plantago major) is a broadleaf weed with large, oval-shaped leaves.

Dogs should not eat plantains. It has too much fiber in it for it to be completely safe for them. Even though it is non-toxic, you should not give them these leaves to eat.

Benefits of Feeding Plantains To Your Dog

Caramelised plantain slices. A traditional tea time snack from Kerala.Cut ripe plantain into slices and toast it in a pan adding ghee n some brown sugar. Shot on white background.

Below are some of the benefits of feeding plantains to your dog.

1. Plantain Acts As A Valuable Anti-inflammatory

The important anti-inflammatory qualities of plantains prevent the production of cytokines, which are pro-inflammatory immune cells. It can lessen inflammation in the urinary system, kidneys, and bladder.

Allantoin, an anti-inflammatory phytochemical, is also present in plantains. Allantoin is a common active component in commercial creams and lotions for cosmetic purposes. To lessen continuing inflammation, it is ingested.

Additionally, you may use it to lessen swelling when your dog sustains an injury.

2. Plantain Help Your Dog Pass Foreign Objects

If you believe that your dog has consumed anything that he shouldn’t have, plantains might be the first step. Plantains are a good food to give your dog to help him pass on foreign items. It could be a small piece of a toy squeaker or even broken pieces from commonplace items.

The digestive system is coated for protection and to facilitate movement. You must get medical attention for your dog if you suspect a gastrointestinal blockage.

3. Plantain Prevents Constipation And Diarrhea

The laxative qualities of plantain seeds can relieve constipation. Psyllium is a kind of fiber found in pumpkin seeds. As they pass through your dog’s digestive system, seeds absorb water. The seeds produce mucilage when they are in contact with moisture.

The seeds soften the excrement when you soak them before giving them to your dog with food. This facilitates food passing through your dog’s colon more easily.

The dry seeds absorb moisture to delay urgent eviction when your dog has diarrhea. So, garnish dishes with dried seeds. To make the stools harder and less liquid, they will move through the digestive tract and absorb liquid.

4. Plantain Is The Band-Aid Plant

When it comes to treating wounds, plantains have several uses. It works well for treating small burns, scratches, wounds, and insect bites.

The infection is fought as it heals. Additionally, it is beneficial for other skin conditions, including eczema and dandruff. It is called the “band-aid plant” for this reason.

Plantain also has astringent properties that help to dry wounds and stop bleeding. Plantain also has soothing and lubricating properties that help speed up the healing rate of injuries and stimulate the growth of new skin cells.

Plantain has antibacterial properties. It contains aucubin and tannins that fight infection and kill germs, which makes it a good item for on-the-spot first aid.

Traditional Central American caribbean cuban colombian food. Fried tostones, green bananas plantains with guacamole sauce. Top view, flat lay

5. Plantain Prevents Other Digestive Issues

Plantain is a plant that helps with lubrication. It has an exceptional capacity to bind to the mucous membranes of the digestive and urinary systems. Plantain is a demulcent due to its capacity to create mucilage. It creates a calming coating on the mucous membranes.

So, if your dog’s digestive tract has ulcerations, inflammation, or infections, plantain can calm and aid recovery. Plantain operates similarly to slippery elm. To relieve inflammation, it coats and lubricates the digestive system.

6. Plantain Can Help Manage Diabetes

Dietary fiber from plantain seeds (psyllium husk) can help control the blood sugar in your dog.

Insufficient insulin production by the pancreas causes diabetes mellitus in canines. Your dog’s body needs insulin to utilize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins effectively.

Plantain seeds that have been soaked before being fed to your dog will produce mucilage. This kind of fiber delays the digestion of carbs, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. This confirms the American Diabetes Association’s advice to incorporate soluble and insoluble fiber into the diet in adequate amounts each day to manage insulin levels.

7. Plantain Improves Dental Health for Your Dog

The oral health of your dog can be helped by plantains. According to studies, the antibacterial qualities of plantains help to decrease the germs that cause gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Simply combine leaves and seeds in a blender, then apply the mixture to your dog’s gums. For him to eat it, you may also combine it with broth.

8. Plantain Builds Immune Health

Plantamajoside is a substance found in plantains. Like echinacea, it aids in modulating the immune system and also activates the body’s defense mechanisms.

But compared to Echinacea, plantains are far more accessible and simple to grow. Furthermore, it is more widely available in Europe and Asia.

9. Plantains Can Help Treat Kennel Cough

Plantains help relieve throat irritation and kennel cough in dogs.

The agonizingly horrible bark of kennel cough is well-known to anybody who has ever owned a dog. Simply combine some leaves and bone broth in a blender. Your dog ought to devour it. His throat and respiratory system will be coated by the mucilage it produces.

Inflamed bronchial tubes and the lungs are also coated to soothe the pain. Benefits for dogs with upper respiratory infections have been reported by several holistic vets.

Effect of Overfeeding Plantains To Your Dog

Fried caramelized plantains served with lime wedges and cilantro

Below are the negative effects of overfeeding plantains to your dog.

1. Over-Consumption of Fiber Can Lead To Diarrhea

We have emphasized the benefits of plantains’ dietary fiber for dogs. Although it could be good for their health, dietary fiber can also be problematic if you feed it to your dog in excess.

If this occurs, dogs may experience diarrhea and other digestive problems. Avoid the hassle of cleaning up after smelly accidents by giving your dog the right amount of plantains.

2. Eating Plantains regularly can cause weight gain in dogs

According to research, a typical dog meal that is high in sugar and carbs might cause weight gain in canines. Remember that our canine companions only need a small amount of carbohydrates in their diet. Sugar is also not required for dogs. We are giving kids sugar when they don’t need it.

Our dogs don’t require their owners to feed them any more sugar since their bodies can utilize the carbs in their usual dog food and convert them to sugar.

Regularly consuming too much sugar may make a dog obese, which can cause a variety of additional health issues like pancreatitis, heart disease, diabetes, dental difficulties, and even diabetes.

3. May Shoot Up Your Dog’s Blood Sugar Levels

Raw plantains have a glycemic index of about 40. They have a two-fold lower glycemic index when cooked. Plantains fall into the low-GI category.

Therefore, their glycemic index won’t have an impact on healthy dogs’ blood glucose levels. Sadly, for dogs with diabetes, the same cannot be true. Plantains could make their blood sugar rise.

So, before giving your diabetic dog plantains, talk to your veterinarian. Always choose caution over needless risk-taking.

How To Feed Your Dog Plantain

Homemade Yellow Fried Plantains in a Bowl

Plantains are not often consumed uncooked. It is challenging to digest since it contains a lot of starch. The same holds true for your dog. Consider preparing it as a way to make it more enjoyable for him.

Having said that, it must be bland. You are not producing it to consume yourself. It involves figuring out how to include it in your pet’s food without upsetting his GI system.

Boiling the plantains is the best way to prepare them for your dog. Too much fat is used in frying, which will probably cause a bad GI reaction. Keep in mind that just 5% of the adult dog’s diet should consist of fat.

You can mash it into his commercial food or other people’s foods like rice to supplement his diet. We’d recommend going slow and adding just a bit the first time. That makes good sense from a biological point of view, but it also speaks to your pet’s diet. Let him choose if he likes it.

Final Thoughts on Dogs Eating Plantain

Dogs can eat plantains. They are very safe for your dog to consume as long as you prepare them correctly and take all the necessary preventive measures.

With that said, don’t feed banana peels to your dog. Avoid feeding them fried plantains; only boil the plantains whenever you want to feed them, and don’t feed them an excessive amount.

You can also check out 175 human foods to feed your dog to have a general overview of what food to feed your dog and what food to avoid feeding your dog.

Please don’t forget to share this article with other pet lovers using the share icons below if you benefitted immensely from this information.

Disclaimer: Before You Feed Your Dog Human Food

This article is not intended to replace professional medical or nutritional advice; rather, it is meant to provide instruction and information on dog nutrition.

Consult your veterinarian before adding certain human foods and drinks to your dog’s diet to make sure it’s safe for them to do so. Canines may react negatively to some foods and drinks.

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